Code of Conduct


Porter’s Management Group (PMG) is dedicated to empowering professionals, businesses, and society through our services. To achieve our mission, we uphold and enforce a set of standards to protect and respect all parties involved. This Code of Conduct outlines our expectations for our employees, clients, partners, and associates.

Any breach of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of our working relationship with you.

Compliance Undertakings

At PMG, all parties participating in a transaction are subject to our robust legal and compliance framework, which includes four main principles that all parties are required to adhere to:

  1. Non-Disclosure: You must not disclose information that is specific to any company of which you are currently an employee, officer, director, consultant, agent, or representative.

  2. Confidentiality: You must not disclose any material non-public, confidential, or proprietary information about any subject matter while working with PMG and any of its clients.

  3. Conflict of Interest: You must not participate in a transaction if it creates a conflict of interest for you personally or in relation to any duty you owe to a current or former employer or third party.

  4. Transaction Confidentiality: Every transaction must remain confidential, including its participants, subject matter, and the identity of the client.

PMG does not permit participation by any individual who has in a personal capacity (a) been convicted of a felony involving financial, employment, or crimes related to employment, trustee, or fiduciary obligations; (b) been the subject of sanctions administered by any jurisdiction; (c) been the subject of an investigation by a securities regulator in any jurisdiction; (d) been a defendant in any proceeding where fraud or violation of laws is alleged; and/or (e) been subject to any such convictions, sanctions, lists, investigations, or proceedings.

Accurate Representation

Your Professional Information and Experience

You must not mislead or deceive PMG’s employees, clients, or third parties regarding your expertise and relevant experience with regards to the scope of the transaction, and you must not accept opportunities that are outside of your areas of experience. Additionally, you must provide accurate, up-to-date, and verifiable information regarding your career history, legal name, affiliations, and professional experience. Accordingly, you are required to update PMG if such information changes prior to a transaction.


You are required to provide your own insights and thoughts based on your knowledge and expertise. As such, you must not take the work, ideas, or thesis of any third party and pass it off as your own when participating in any transaction, including any previous consultations undertaken by or on behalf of PMG, which includes, without limitation, calls, surveys, or work products for clients. This includes using Artificial Intelligence (‘AI’) to produce insights and thoughts and passing these off as your own when participating in an interaction. Utilizing information directly and exclusively from AI tools, such as chatbots, is prohibited. You may only share any third-party information if you have the required authorization and have made it clear that such information is not your own.

Professional Behaviour Towards PMG, Its Clients, and Third Parties

You are required to behave in a professional manner towards PMG’s employees, clients, and third parties at all times.

Discrimination and Bullying

You are required to treat everyone equally and with respect in every transaction you are engaged with through PMG. PMG does not tolerate treating individuals differently based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender, or disability. Any use of hostile, abusive slurs, racist, or sexist remarks towards anyone in oral or written communications is prohibited. Personal attacks are not tolerated, and you should not state an intention to inflict any violence on any parties involved.


You are required to respect our employees in connection with your dealings with PMG. Given the nature of our business, it is not uncommon for extended periods of time to pass between engagement opportunities. Please do not persistently or repeatedly reach out to PMG’s employees regarding new opportunities, as our dedicated team will contact you if the appropriate opportunity arises. PMG is under no obligation to provide engagement opportunities to any associate.


You are required to be available and on time for scheduled PMG transactions. Most importantly, please be prepared to share your perspectives and knowledge regarding the scope of the transaction. If you need to reschedule or realize that you will be delayed, you should contact your PMG point of contact immediately so that we can reschedule with the client, if appropriate.


PMG may, in its sole discretion, terminate its working relationship with you at any time, including as a result of your failure to comply with this Code of Conduct. If appropriate and permissible, we may choose to provide feedback and an explanation for any violation of this Code of Conduct.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement

PMG is committed to continuous improvement and values feedback from all parties. If you have any suggestions or concerns regarding this Code of Conduct or any aspect of your engagement with PMG, please contact us by email: We strive to create an environment where constructive feedback is welcomed and acted upon to enhance our standards and practices.